Dr. Lena I. McClain
Supervisor of Women, Texas Greater Southeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction

Working for God in the cause of Christ while pursuing holiness is where Mother Lena McClain commits much of her time, attention and energy. It’s been that way her entire life.
A native Texan of humble beginnings, Mother McClain grew up in Houston, Texas and was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost in 1956. She received her formal education in the Houston public School system and at Texas Southern University where she also received her master’s degree. She taught public school for 32 years before earning a second master’s degree at Dallas Theological Seminary in 2006. Afterwards she expanded her work into full time ministry. In 2012, she earned a Doctor of Christian Counseling degree from Andersonville Theological Seminary.
In May 2007, Bishop Rufus Kyles, Jr. recommended Mother Lena McClain as his choice for supervisor of the Department of Women, Texas Southeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. In November 2007, she was installed by Mother Willie Mae Rivers, the General Supervisor, and served for 10 years.
Bishop Johnny A. Tates recommended her to work with him in a newly formed jurisdiction. She was re-assigned as jurisdictional supervisor of the Texas Greater Southeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction by General Supervisor, Mother Barbara McCoo-Lewis, on November 14, 2017.
Mother McClain has been a member of the North Main Church of God in Christ in Houston all her life. She has served in numerous positions including missionary, usher and Sunday School teacher. She also worked as church operations manager, a member of the building committee and chairperson of the pastor and wife’s appreciation. Mother McClain was one of the first women appointed to the North Main board of trustees.
As a district missionary for the North Houston District, Mother McClain promoted wholesome relationships among women, established auxiliaries at churches in the district and organized numerous programs and events that resulted in the growth and expansion of the district. She served as assistant supervisor of women, chairperson of the jurisdiction’s business team, chairperson of the executive board and instructor at Greater Emmanuel Bible Institute.
Since her appointment as supervisor and under her leadership, the Department of Women continues to grow spiritually, physically and emotionally. She has:
- Installed more than 11 district missionaries.
- Licensed more than 30 evangelist missionaries.
- Compiled a reference guide for district missionaries.
- Written and compiled a book, “Training Manual for Evangelist Missionaries.”
- Implemented the approved process for licensing missionaries.
- Organized a ceremony for the renewal of missionary licenses.
- Initiated a 24-hour prayer ministry throughout the jurisdiction in 2010.
- Initiated a weekly prayer line in 2014.
- Initiated a bi-annual year shut-in.
- Organized a bi-annual revival.
- Organized an Education Committee to support learning and training.
- Organized a scholarship foundation for college students.
- Organized Project Ministry to witness to those on the street, in apartments, shelters and jail.
Mother McClain’s goal for the Department of Women is to empower women through training and leadership development, to promote service to others who are less fortunate and to develop innovative and creative ways to spread the Gospel in a changing and challenging society.