Executive Staff

Texas Greater Southeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction

Administrative Assistants

Supt. C.L. Cooper

First Administrative Assistant / Chairman, Board of Superintendents / Administrative Assistant for Administrative Services

Supt. Eugene E. Hamilton, Sr.

Administrative Assistant, Department of Financial Services

Supt. Thaddeus Singleton, Jr.

Administrative Assistant for Operations / TGSE#1 AIM Chairman / Chief of Staff

Executive Committee

Dr. Lena I. McClain

Supervisor, Department of Women

Dr. Kendrek D. Herron

Executive Secretary

Supt. William W. Wilson, Sr.

Chairman, Council of Pastors & Elders

Supt. Michael Jordan


Missionary Kimberly Lawson

TGSE#1 Registrar

Pastor Ralph J. Wells, Sr.

Chairman, General Assembly

Dr. Ronald Eagleton

President, Department of Missions

Pastor Bennie L. Anderson

President, Department of Evangelism

Pastor Charles R. Lovings, Sr.

Superintendent, Sunday School Department

Lady Deborah Brown

President, Department of Youth

Missionary Tish Loche

Minister of Music

Supt. Cedric E. Howard, Sr.

President, Men's Conference (MPM)

Pastor Stanley V. James

Chairman, Ordination Board

Elder Keith Quillin

Financial Secretary

Pastor David Buckley, Jr.

Chief Adjutant

Elder Max H. Bozeman, Sr.

Episcopal Adjutant

Pastor Amel Quillin, Jr.

Chief of Security

Elder Robert Bolden, Sr.

Director, Information Technology


Director, Visual & Social Communications


Director, Visual & Social Communications

Elder Robert Bolden, Sr.

Director, Information Technology

Pastor David Buckley, Jr.

Chief Adjutant

Elder Max H. Bozeman, Sr.

Adjutant Episcopal

Pastor Amel Quillin, Jr.

Chief of Security

Missionary Myra J. Banks

Director, Public Relations & Marketing